Jason Huckeba has been an avid outdoorsman since his teenage years. His passion for the outdoors was ingrained in him by his parents who took him on many trips to different National Parks around the western US. They took him hiking, fishing, camping, and exploring roadside stops along the way.
Jason can usually be found exploring the local forests of Southern California, the deserts of southwestern Utah, the many backcountry lakes of the Eastern Sierra, and also volunteering his time at Black Mountain fire lookout tower.
Since 2011, Jason started to document his trips on YouTube to share his adventures with family and friends. He has been able to experience what could be considered some of the best wilderness areas on the west coast, with many more adventures coming in the future.
Twitter: @Huckoutdoors
Instagram: @huck_outdoors
Facebook: @huckoutdoors
YouTube: Huck Outdoors