My name is Adrian Redgwell and I was born in England in 1965 and was raised in the province of Saskatchewan.  I joined the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in 1982 and I was honourable medically retired in 2017 after serving 35 years in the CAF.

My Trail name is 0Z, The Hiking Sailor. 0Z was given to me by Miss Janet and THS was given to me by the military.

I was injured in the head sometime during my service so my personality has changed but mainly to the positive way.  I am great with social media.  I also suffered Neck, Lower back, knee injuries from my service.

I fell in love with the Appalachian Trail during my last week of service and met my best ever hiking buddy (Thumper) that week. 

I hope to hike the triple crown in both directions in the next 14 years as well as other hiking goals in North America.

I have successfully hiked Quebec IAT, Miqmaq, Fundy, Dobson and Chignecto trails on more the one occasion.

I have attempted to thru hike the Appalachian in 2017 and 2018 but had to come off both times for family issues.  These hikes are not failures as I did hike on the Appalachian Trail.

My 2020 hiking plans are as follows;

I will be going in a 30 day section hike on the AT to see if my physycal injuries have healed following the ATKO.  And in August I will be returning to Quebec's IAT and the Fundy Foot Path.  I estimate I will be hiking for a total of 77 days in 2020 and 100 days in 2021

Youtube: 0Z, The Hiking Sailor

Instagram: @the_hiking_sailor_at2021

Facebook: Adrian Redgwell, The Hiking Sailor