Ultralight Hiking Blog

Best “Ultralight” (UL) Overlanding Gear  by Jada Lippincott

Best “Ultralight” (UL) Overlanding Gear by Jada Lippincott

I choose to live life in two ways, out of a backpack and out of the back of a truck. When I’m not hiking on some trail, my Toyota Tundra is my home. Yes, even in the glorious -50F winter of southwe...

A Beginner's Guide to Thru-Hiking the PCT by Dave Stamboulis

A Beginner's Guide to Thru-Hiking the PCT by Dave Stamboulis

Hiking the entire 2654-mile Pacific Crest Trail is an adventure of a lifetime. Very few people are fortunate enough to be able to spend roughly half a year of their lives walking, living, and breat...

How to Care for Your Down Quilt or Bag by Jada Lippincott

How to Care for Your Down Quilt or Bag by Jada Lippincott

If you’re anything like me, you know what it’s like to get to camp after a long day of hiking and cannot possibly wait one second more to be horizontal in your bag. Maybe you wear your hiking cloth...

Adventures in Healing by Heather Hoechst

Adventures in Healing by Heather Hoechst

Nearly one year ago, I wrote a blog post for Six Moon Designs entitled, “The Dark Valley of Injury.” I was recovering from hip labrum surgery and had just been diagnosed with pudendal neuralgia. Th...

Allgood's 2023 Gift Guide

Allgood's 2023 Gift Guide

As winter approaches so does the holiday season, where we gather with family and friends and embrace the short days and long nights.  During this season of celebration, we often show our love for e...

Six Moon Designs Owyhee Review by Jim Sutherland

Six Moon Designs Owyhee Review by Jim Sutherland

I believe that the Six Moon Designs Owyhee Backpacking Tarp might be the one for me on trips where I need space, mesh to keep bugs out, and something that isn’t bulky for bikepacking.  So, let’s di...