Braced for Impact by Carol Wilson
Backpacking gear has changed so much over the years, thankfully! Many, like myself, started out with the "heavy but affordable" gear, such as the 5 lb sleeping bag and 7 lb tent and took a...

Its A Strange Old World We Live In
The Beauty of Iceland - photo taken as we made our escape towards the airport as "Covid Lockdown" loomed. The plan was to “commute” by bike from a meeting in Scotland back to our house i...

North Carolina’s Art Loeb Trail
At the end of August, two friends and I set out to hike the Art Loeb Trail, a 30 mile stretch of rugged hiking through two wilderness areas, over several 6,000 foot peaks with sweeping vi...

During the lockdown, the kit was unpacked and re-packed several times, all in an effort to find the most efficient way of carrying all your kit and equipment. For the Bike-packer, this me...

Al, Kyle and I had loosely planned a bikepacking trip as soon as the Scottish Government gave the official go ahead for wild camping in the hills and glens. After a wait of nearly four m...

Iceline Trail Part 1: Takakkaw Falls⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀All the hikes in this area start with this view right at the trailhead. It’s wild because this is the type of jaw-dropping beauty that I would ha...