Ultralight Hiking Blog

Braced for Impact by Carol Wilson

Braced for Impact by Carol Wilson

Backpacking gear has changed so much over the years, thankfully! Many, like myself, started out with the "heavy but affordable" gear, such as the 5 lb sleeping bag and 7 lb tent and took a...

Its A Strange Old World We Live In

Its A Strange Old World We Live In

The Beauty of Iceland - photo taken as we made our escape towards the airport as "Covid Lockdown" loomed. The plan was to “commute” by bike from a meeting in Scotland back to our house i...

North Carolina’s Art Loeb Trail

North Carolina’s Art Loeb Trail

At the end of August, two friends and I set out to hike the Art Loeb Trail, a 30 mile stretch of rugged hiking through two wilderness areas, over several 6,000 foot peaks with sweeping vi...

Better Late Than Never

Better Late Than Never

During the lockdown, the kit was unpacked and re-packed several times, all in an effort to find the most efficient way of carrying all your kit and equipment. For the Bike-packer, this me...

Beware, Farm Folk

Beware, Farm Folk

Al, Kyle and I had loosely planned a bikepacking trip as soon as the Scottish Government gave the official go ahead for wild camping in the hills and glens. After a wait of nearly four m...

Iceline Trail Trip Report

Iceline Trail Trip Report

Iceline Trail Part 1: Takakkaw Falls⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀All the hikes in this area start with this view right at the trailhead. It’s wild because this is the type of jaw-dropping beauty that I would ha...